Written 17th March 2021 Grief like love Takes on many forms Yet we live in a world That so often ignores… “Be positive Don’t look back always uplift You, alone have the power to make the mental mind shift” But so many griefs Are engraved in our souls A child losing a parent Will always …
Category: Anger
Flipsides of a coin
(Approximate reading time: 8 min) Dam, this back-blogging is difficult;-) I kind of see why people so often ‘sanitize’ their stories and leave out the yucky, dark parts of it, because when you are feeling happy and sunny….. it’s sometimes the LAST thing you want to go back to. At the moment, I feel a …
Estimated Reading time: 8 min A little catch-up in my story;-) In February 2021 I had been working full time, for just over a month, teaching in the Reception class (with the Lovely Mrs Shawnigan;-) and that was when I started my Compassionate Inquiry studies with Gabor Mate. The world by that point was slowly …
The Hump
Written 2nd of February 2021 We live in a world, as far as I can see, where we constantly judge others and won’t let them be. We take our own truth, what we believe, Painting it all over other people we see. We assume we are right, that our way is the best we send …
My right to fight
Approximate reading time: 13 min I kind of feel like this poem needs to come with a warning! From someone who spent years following other people’s spiritual teachings, sucking it all in, trying to mould myself to somehow fit into other people’s paths the last thing I would EVER want to do is to imply …
The Power of Words
Approximate reading time: 12min In 2021 I accepted a job teaching in a reception class for 6 months. Yes, I had previously sworn NEVER EVER to go back into long-term teaching again, (numerous times.) But it was one of those situations where everything just seemed to dam-near perfect. 1. The class was amazingly well-behaved. 2. …
Approximate reading time: 15 min It’s been a while, I know, I know ..a whole 6 days….I’m clearly slipping.:-) I will admit Neurotic Angel woke me up in a blind panic a couple of nights ago. Something along the lines of: “If you post a blog post EVERY SINGLE DAY then your subscribers are going …
The pain of not being seen
Estimated reading time: 5min I found this little story below in my journal a couple of weeks ago. The horrible thing about becoming more aware of what is going on around you is that once you start seeing something, you can’t EVER go back to “unseeing it” Which, honestly sometimes fucking sucks! I wish I …
That WAS the plan! (PART 1)
Approximate reading time: 20 min Just warning you, you might need to make some tea….this is gonna be a long one:-) Quite a lot has gone on these last two years so I thought I might do a little catch-up with all that I have been doing with my time. I mentioned in my “The …
(Written 26 February 2021) A word A feeling A thought So difficult to explain… A word A feeling A thought Intertwining with insidious shame… Anger seethes like a dog gnaws a bone. I say “I’m okay.” In my head, I throw stones. Why was I born with a skin of cellophane? Words burn through like …