Category: Poetry

Anger, Anxiety/Depression, Narcissism, Poetry


Estimated Reading time: 8 min A little catch-up in my story;-) In February 2021 I had been working full time, for just over a month, teaching in the Reception class (with the Lovely Mrs Shawnigan;-) and that was when I started my Compassionate Inquiry studies with Gabor Mate. The world by that point was slowly …

Anger, Anxiety/Depression, Assertiveness, Poetry

The Power of Words

Approximate reading time: 12min In 2021 I accepted a job teaching in a reception class for 6 months. Yes, I had previously sworn NEVER EVER to go back into long-term teaching again, (numerous times.) But it was one of those situations where everything just seemed to dam-near perfect. 1. The class was amazingly well-behaved. 2. …