Category: Poetry

Anger, Assertiveness, Internal Family Systems (Parts work), Poetry, Psychology, Self-love, The Pain Body


Approximate reading time: 15 min It’s been a while, I know, I know ..a whole 6 days….I’m clearly slipping.:-) I will admit Neurotic Angel woke me up in a blind panic a couple of nights ago. Something along the lines of: “If you post a blog post EVERY SINGLE DAY then your subscribers are going …

Gratitude, Poetry, Self-love

‘Oh to be blessed….’

Approximate reading time: 8 min I will admit for most of my life I have always hated that word ‘Blessed’. It’s a little bit of a trigger word for me. (Just a wee, little bit:-) As a young child, I remember sitting at our dinner table listening to grace being said, something about being ‘thankful …

Anxiety/Depression, Poetry

The Silver Lining

(Written January 2021) Asylum seekers flooding my brain, I’m teaching kiddies in the pouring rain. Mums are phoning me exhausted and overwrought. Crying their souls are lost (perhaps they’ve been bought?) Mrs Shawnigan’s moaning, imploring me: “They said my friend’s negative? How can that be?” “We’ve been friends for years, she’s always had my back! …